
Roxana Noelia Villafañe

PostDoc Researcher


I am a postdoc researcher at Laboratorio de Estructura Molecular y Propiedades (LEMyP) at CONICET. I try to understand the inhibition mechanism of Cruzain, a cysteine protease involved in Chagas disease. Following that objective, I work with data analysis & machine learning.

Recently, in October, I became a Software Carpentry instructor.

I’m a Rladies chapter co-founder and co-organizer: Rladies Resistencia Corrientes, co-founder and co-organizer of a R user’s group (RUG) at my local area called R-en-el-NEA, and one of the organizers of latinoamerican R Conference, LatinR. Also, I was part of the Spanish translation of R for data science with other members of the R community.

Also, I am an #rstats teacher assistant at Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (UNNE), creating new material with R programming for an undergrad stats course, Probability and Statistics.


  • Representation Learning
  • Graphs
  • Machine Learning & Statistics
  • R & Python Programming


  • PhD in Natural Resources, 2018

    FCA - UNNE

  • Bsc. Chemical Sciences, 2012

